My art practice focuses on themes of culture, memory, and nostalgia, and my body of work consists of performative pieces that leverage technology as a tool to question memory and time. In these pieces, I combine the use of video, photography, puppetry, and performance. I also explore aspects within and outside my own culture by utilizing borrowed memories and nostalgia, and reimagine and [re]present these narratives as a way of viewing spaces differently.
As an art therapist, I believe in co-creating a safe and supportive space for clients to be comfortable in, so that they can express their goals for healing. As in my art practice, I encourage clients to experiment and be open to different ways of making art. I involve clients in client-centered, collaborative conversations; I invite them to tell me a story, and I encourage them to use art so as to meet them where they are. Through the art making process and the metaphoric content, I engage clients in constructing and creating new meanings, narratives, and identities, so that they can discover different ways of expressing themselves.